Arvind Verma Professor, Department of Criminal Justice, Indiana University, Bloomington (USA)

Arvind Verma has been a member in the Indian Police Service [IPS] and has served for many years in the State of Bihar, holding several senior positions in the organization. His first degree was in Engineering Mathematics from the Indian Institute of Technology- Kanpur and later he earned his PhD in Criminology from Simon Fraser University- Canada. His doctoral work was concerned with the analysis of criminal justice data using a variety of mathematical techniques such as Fuzzy Logic, Topology and Fractals. He has served as the Managing Editor of Police Practice and Research: An International Journal and he has also been an advisor to the Bureau of Police Research and Development in India. 

His current research interests are in Policing; Criminal Justice Policy Issues, Indian Police, Research Methods, Mathematical Modeling, and Agent-Based Simulation. His recent publications include books titled "Policing Muslim Communities: Comparative and International Context" {Springer}; "The New Khaki: The Evolving Nature of Policing in India" {CRC Press}, "Understanding the Police in India" [2nd Edition 2013 Lexus] and journal articles, "Situational Prevention & Elections in India" "Measuring Performance in India: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis", "The State and Coercive Power in India", "Rationalizing Police Beats using Voronoi Tessellations"; "Validating Distance Decay through Agent-Based Modeling" and “Assessing the Role of Police in Containing Mob Violence" and “Police Manipulation of Crime Reporting: Insider’s Revelations”. His current book projects include "Police Commissioner vs. the DM System: A Comparative Measure of Police Performance" and "Combating Corruption in India". He is currently on the faculty of the Department of Criminal Justice at Indiana University- Bloomington.